Sabtu, Februari 8, 2025

Should We Take Higher Education to be Successful?

Loanita Earlyanti
Loanita Earlyanti
January 2nd 2004 | Book Sniffer | INTJ | Citra Berkat Senior High School
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“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” said Nelson Mandela. In this era, many parents are then sending their children to school as high as possible. Not a few of them demand that their children receive good grades and force their children to take quality education so that the child’s future meets their expectations.

Nowadays, many parents often decide where their children will go to college. Indeed, parents will always give the best for their children. Surely they want to see their child succeed because their child is the successor of their family. However, success does not come from someone who is highly educated. In fact, as reported by CNBC, many world-class billionaires end up dropping out of college and not continuing their education. So, whether success can come without having to take higher education? There are several reasons why higher education does not determine a person’s success.

First, science and knowledge are universal and unlimited. We can gain knowledge through any media and means, anytime, and anywhere. Formal education does not guarantee someone to be successful in the future because there are many things that we can learn beyond the educational curriculum. For example, school doesn’t teach us how to build connections, how to negotiate or how to manage our money after earning later. Today’s development of  globalization allows everyone to access information quickly. Even people who do not take formal education can learn and develop themselves because now everyone is facilitated by the maturity of the internet. Learning without limits from any source does not rule out the possibility for someone to be successful in their field.

Second, success is built from self-attitudes and habits. Talent and potential are more important than score on paper. Grades are important to meet school graduation standards, but grades are not a reference to measuring one’s success. Most people only focus on grades and do not continue to explore their potential and abilities after they graduate from educational institutions.

In fact, success is built from a long process of self-accustoming. Regardless of high education, someone who has a hard work attitude and is consistent in honing himself will have self-worth and become a quality person. They are also easier to reach their dreams because they have a high value and appreciate every little process they go through to become a better person. So, it doesn’t have to be from people who are highly educated, but anyone can be successful if they have good attitudes and habits in building themselves.

Thirdly, willpower and experience are needed. Success is not an instant thing and is not only seen from how high a person is in education, but is seen from their willingness and determination. Willingness creates effort and persistence. The efforts that are put into the process of achieving this target will result in an experience. Experience is indeed the best teacher who encourages a person to continuously improve oneself. Even if it fails, someone who already has the determination and willpower can continue to try it by learning and multiplying their experience until finally they can be at the point of success.

Others might say that high education is very important because education is a means that helps a person to achieve success. Through education, a person has a different knowledge base from people who do not take formal education. However, as said before, one can learn without limits.

Even Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla explained that he prefers self-education over formal education. People with self-education are more adaptable than people without self-education who just follow the curriculum because self-education can help a person find his learning character. This shows that self-education can also be the key to success.  Indeed, higher education is important, but self-education also has a big role that can lead a person to be skilled and successful according to what they want.

In conclusion, higher education is not a priority that can guarantee everyone’s success. Those who are highly educated and those who are not educated are the same thing, they can be successful or they may not. It all depends on each individual person. It depends on their efforts and willingness to go through their respective success processes. It also depends on how they improve themselves and use the time they have to build attitudes and habits within themselves.

So, there is no need to feel inferior because you do not have a higher education background because we can learn through anything in today’s world. Likewise with those who are pursuing higher education, take advantage of all available access to really learn. Success is not seen from the educational background, it all depends on the perspective of each and how they do it to bring themselves to success because they are the only ones who have control. Thus, highly educated or not is not an effective comparison indicator to determine a person’s success.

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Loanita Earlyanti
Loanita Earlyanti
January 2nd 2004 | Book Sniffer | INTJ | Citra Berkat Senior High School
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